You can email Amanda at ayvalentine AT reads4tweens DOT com.
You can follow us on Twitter, too! @reads4tweens
Requesting Reviews
If there’s a book you think I should review—either one you love and/or one you wrote—I’m happy to hear suggestions. If I don’t have a copy of the book, I’d appreciate if you’d provide me with a review copy. I’m happy to get hard copies which I will lend out to my kids and their friends if they seem appropriate. I also have a Kindle and am happy to receive mobi copies as well.
I can’t promise the reviews will happen immediately (my queue isn’t short and life is hectic), but I’ll certainly contact you when I publish them.
Submitting Guest Reviews
I’m happy to receive guest reviews, both from adults and kids. You can find guidelines for adult reviewers here and for kid reviewers here. Please also read What Is This Site? and SPOILER ALERT! if you haven’t already. (Don’t worry—they’re both really short!)
After you email your review to me, I’ll do some light copyediting, proofreading, and formatting. I’ll email it back to you if I need more information or if something needs to be revised. I’ll email you when I publish the review.