Books Based on Fairy Tales

Little Red Riding Hood book

Little Red Riding Hood by Trina Schart Hyman

These books are retellings of traditional fairy tales or rely on a reader’s knowledge of traditional tales. Books like The Ordinary Princess, The Princess Bride, and The Birthday Ball share many tropes and details with traditional tales, but they’re original stories that don’t reference or retell traditional tales, so I decided not to include those in this list.

This list will be frequently updated because I love fairy tales and I read a lot of books inspired by them.

PLEASE NOTE – SPOILER ALERT: Reviews on this site are aimed at parents, educators, and other adults who care about what kids are reading. For that reason, they contain spoilers, since it’s usually the spoilers that you most wish you knew about before your kid read the book and ended up sobbing or cowering under the covers until well after midnight. (Gosh, what makes it sound like this is the voice of experience?)

* These are books that I think will particularly appeal to both boys and girls, regardless of what the pictures on the cover might suggest.



  1. Thanks for this great list! I love reading retellings of old fairy tales and folklore, and write kid’s plays and books that are funny mash-ups of three or four at one time. So far, the kids who’ve done my plays LOVE this idea, and some have won awards. I think fairy tales appeal to lots of people because of the magical aspect of them. I’ve tried writing contemporary, but just can’t seem to do it. I’ll definitely check out some of the books on your list. BTW, your blog is awesome! Keep up the good work. Onward, through the forest! bobbi c.


  1. […] is also posted on Reads4Tweens, where I have a list of fairytale books I’ve reviewed. I’ve marked books that I think appeal equally to boys and girls, […]

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